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Developer Resources
UI Development

Local Development

To test the UI locally, clone the FidesOps repository (opens in a new tab), and ensure you have Node.js (opens in a new tab) installed to run the application.

Creating the root user

A root user can be created by adding a root_username and root_password to the security section of fidesops.toml file, or by setting FIDESOPS__SECURITY__ROOT_USERNAME and FIDESOPS__SECURITY__ROOT_PASSWORD environment variables.

This will allow you to login in with a root user that can be used to access additional user endpoints.

Accessing the Control Panel

From the root fidesops directory, run the following:

    cd clients
    npm install
    cd admin-ui
    turbo run dev

This will navigate you to the admin-ui directory, and run the development environment.

Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser, and provide your user credentials to log in.


To enable stable authentication you must supply a NEXTAUTH_SECRET environment variable. The best way to do this is by creating a .env.local file, which Next will automatically pick up:

echo NEXTAUTH_SECRET=`openssl rand -base64 32` >> .env.local

Backend deployment

Fidesops automatically serves a version of the UI when running nox -s dev.

To deploy a full version of the UI from a backend, run the following from the root fidesops directory:

    cd clients
    npm install
    cd admin-ui
    turbo run prod-export

This will build and place the Admin UI files into a location accessible by backend fidesops deployments.

To test the UI, run nox -s dev from the root directory, and visit