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Fides Configuration
OAuth2 Configuration


SaaS integrations support two OAuth2 flows:

This Authentication Code flow has the following configuration values:

  • authorization_request: The request to build the URL that is presented to the user to authenticate this connection.
  • token_request: The request made to retrieve the access token after the authorization code is returned via the /oauth/callback endpoint.
  • refresh_request (optional): The request to refresh an access token.
  • expires_in (optional): The lifetime of an access token (in seconds). This is used if the OAuth2 workflow in use does not provide expiration information (RFC 6749 Section 5.1 (opens in a new tab)).

The Client Credential flow has all these values except for authorization_request since it is not required for this flow.

Sample configuration

Each OAuth2 request is fully configurable to account for the different ways the parameters can be mapped to a request. The following examples demonstrate the requests generated from sample configuration files.

OAuth2 Authorization Code example
  strategy: oauth2_authorization_code

Authorization request

    method: GET
    path: /auth/authorize
    - name: client_id
        value: <client_id>
    - name: redirect_uri
        value: <redirect_uri>
    - name: response_type
        value: code
    - name: scope
        value: <scope>
    - name: state
        value: <state>

The above authentication_request will generate the following:


The placeholders are sourced from the values defined in the connector_params of your SaaS config.

The <state> placeholder is generated automatically with each authorization request. This authorization URL can be retrieved by calling:


Token request

    method: POST
    path: /oauth/token
    - name: client_id
        value: <client_id>
    - name: client_secret
        value: <client_secret>
    - name: grant_type
        value: authorization_code
    - name: code
        value: <code>

The <code> placeholder is defined automatically by Fides.

The above token_request configuration generates the following:


This request is called automatically after Fides receives a callback response to the https://{{domain}}/api/v1/oauth/callback endpoint.

Refresh request

    method: POST
    path: /oauth/token
    - name: client_id
        value: <client_id>
    - name: client_secret
        value: <client_secret>
    - name: grant_type
        value: refresh_token
    - name: refresh_token
        value: <refresh_token>

The <refresh_token> placeholder is defined automatically by Fides.

The above refresh_request configuration generates the following:

GET https://<domain>/oauth_token?client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<refresh_token>

This is called automatically when the access_token is about to expire. The expiration is usually defined in the response to the token request. If the expiration is not returned by the API, it can be specified manually by setting the expires_in field (which is defined in seconds):

  strategy: oauth2_authorization_code
    expires_in: 3600

Usage checklist

To use OAuth2 as a connection strategy, the following must be configured first:

For all OAuth2 flows

Per-connector configuration

  • Fides must be able to connect to the SaaS provider (Outreach, Salesforce, etc.).
  • A Client ID and Client Secret must be generated within the SaaS provider’s admin console.
    • This is dependent on the individual SaaS provider. Refer to the provider's documentation.
  • The connector using OAuth2 is configured using the steps for how to configure a SaaS connector.

Additional steps for authentication code flow

One-time configuration

  • A callback server or network rules are required to forward the callback response from the SaaS providers to an instance of Fides. This is dependent on the user environment where Fides is deployed, and is out of scope for this documentation.
  • These incoming requests must be routed to https://{{host}}/api/v1/oauth/callback.

Per-connector configuration

  • The Redirect URI must be registered within the SaaS provider's admin console.
  • The OAuth2 workflow is initialized by following the URL returned from https://{{domain}}/api/v1/connection/{{connection_key}}/authorize.

OAuth2 authentication code flow diagram

OAuth2 Workflow