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Exporting Reports

Command: export

Hands-on: Try the Building and Exporting Reports in Fides tutorials.

The fides export allows you to automatically build reports to demonstrate compliance with various privacy regulations as well as for internal team use. This is extremely helpful for:

  1. Generating RoPA (Records of Processing Activity) reports for compliance with the GDPR Article 30.
  2. Generating categories of processing for adding to privacy policies.
  3. Reporting on system and data inventory completeness for internal purposes.


Usage: fides export <command>

The export command requires at least one of the following subcommands to generate a report:

  • datamap - Export a datamap from Fides. The default export format is Excel, although other options are possible with the option flags below.
    • -d, --output-dir - The output directory for the data map to be exported to.
    • -k, --org-key - The organization fides_key you wish to export resources for.
    • --dry - Prints the report to the console directly and does not create a report document.
    • --csv - Exports the report in CSV format instead.
  • dataset - Export the specified dataset in a data map report format.
    • --dry - Prints the report to the console directly and does not create a report document.
  • system - Export the specified system in a data map report format.
    • --dry - Prints the report to the console directly and does not create a report document.
  • organization - Output errors if any resources are missing attributes required for building a data map.
    • --dry - Export the specified organization in a data map report format.

Running this command should result in output that resembles the examples below.

Examples: Export a full data map in Excel format

This example exports a formatted data map in Excel using the Fides template that matches the requirements for a Record of Processing Activity (RoPA) for the GDPR. The command will respond with the exported file name which is written to the .fides working directory.

$ fides export datamap
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
2022-01-03-T013609_datamap.xlsx successfully exported.

Example: Export a full data map to a specified location

This example exports a formatted data map in Excel using the Fides template and writes the file to the specified output directory, in this example data/.

$ fides export datamap --output-dir data/
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
2022-01-03-T013609_datamap.xlsx successfully exported.

Example: Export a full data map for a specified organization

This example exports a formatted data map for a specified organization_key and generates an Excel document using the standard Fides template.

$ fides export datamap --org-key other_company
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
2022-01-03-T014326_datamap.xlsx successfully exported.

Example: Print the full data map to the console

This example exports prints the data map to the console and does not export a document. This example could be used to pipe the output to another destination or for another purpose.

$ fides export datamap --dry
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Output would contain:
('system.fides_key', '', 'system.description', 'system.data_responsibility_title', 'system.administrating_department', 'system.third_country_transfers', 'system.system_dependencies', 'system.ingress', 'system.egress', '', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_use.legal_basis', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_use.special_category', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_use.recipients', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_use.legitimate_interest', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_use.legitimate_interest_impact_assessment', '', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_subjects.rights_available', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_subjects.automated_decisions_or_profiling', 'system.privacy_declaration.data_qualifier', 'system.data_protection_impact_assessment.is_required', 'system.data_protection_impact_assessment.progress', '', 'dataset.fides_key', '', 'dataset.third_country_transfers', 'third_country_combined', 'unioned_data_categories', 'unioned_data_qualifiers', 'dataset.retention', 'dataset.data_qualifier', 'system.joint_controller', 'system.third_country_safeguards', 'system.link_to_processor_contract', 'organization.link_to_security_policy', 'dataset.source_name')
('redshift-cluster-1', 'redshift-cluster-1', 'Fides Generated Description for Redshift Cluster: redshift-cluster-1', 'Controller', 'Not defined', '', '', '', '', 'Improve the capability', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Customer', 'No data subject rights listed', 'N/A', 'aggregated.anonymized.unlinked_pseudonymized.pseudonymized.identified', False, 'N/A', 'N/A', 'public_c94f8a9702', 'N/A', '', 'N/A', 'system.operations', 'aggregated.anonymized.unlinked_pseudonymized.pseudonymized.identified', 'N/A', 'N/A', '', '', '', '', 'N/A')
('database-1', 'database-1', 'Fides Generated Description for RDS Instance: database-1', 'Controller', 'Not defined', '', '', '', '', 'First Party Advertising', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'Customer', 'No data subject rights listed', 'N/A', 'aggregated.anonymized.unlinked_pseudonymized.pseudonymized.identified', False, 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'N/A', 'system.operations', 'aggregated.anonymized.unlinked_pseudonymized.pseudonymized.identified', 'N/A', 'N/A', '', '', '', '', 'N/A')

Example: Export a full data map in CSV format

This example exports the data map in CSV format rather than default Excel. By default this export is written to the working directory.

$ fides export datamap --csv
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
2022-01-03-T015041_datamap.csv successfully exported.

Example: Export datasets as a summary data map

This example exports a summary of all datasets as a CSV file in the working directory.

$ fides export dataset
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Loading resource manifests from: .fides/
Taxonomy successfully created.
2022-01-03-T015316_dataset.csv successfully exported.

Example: Export systems as a summary data map

This example exports a summary of all systems as a CSV file in the working directory.

$ fides export system
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Loading resource manifests from: .fides/
Taxonomy successfully created.
2022-01-03-T015915_system.csv successfully exported.

Example: Export organizations as a summary data map

This example exports a summary of all organizations as a CSV file in the working directory.

$ fides export organization
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Loading resource manifests from: .fides/
Taxonomy successfully created.
2022-01-03-T020021_organization.csv successfully exported.