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Managing Resources

Command: push

The fides push validates the syntax and structure of the Fides YAML documents in the working directory before persisting those validated documents to the Fides Server. This is ideal for centralizing resources and collaboration with other teams.

When the push command is run, it will:

  1. Validate all system and dataset YAML documents in the .fides working directory
  2. Push the validated documents and changes to the Fides Server.

To learn more about dataset annotation in Fides see the Dataset Annotation in Fides guide.


Usage: fides push [options]

The command will first evaluate all local system and dataset YAML documents in the working directory and then persist any changes to the Fides Server.

The command-line flags are all optional. The following flags are available:

  • --dry - Only validate the syntax of system and dataset YAML but prevent persistence of any changes on the Server.
  • -diff - Output any changes between server and local resources as part of the command output response.

Example: No options provided

This example validates all systems and datasets in the .fides working directory and pushes them to the Fides server.

$ fides push
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Loading resource manifests from: .fides/
Taxonomy successfully created.
Processing system resource(s)...
PUSHED 4 system resource(s).
Processing dataset resource(s)...
PUSHED 1 dataset resource(s).

Example: Validate resources only and do not persist to server

This example validates all systems and datasets in the .fides working directory but does not persist these changes to the Fides Server. This command outputs the changes to the server that would result from a push command without the --dry option.

$ fides push --dry
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Loading resource manifests from: .fides/
Taxonomy successfully created.
Processing system resource(s)...
WOULD CREATE 19 system resource(s).
WOULD UPDATE 0 system resource(s).
Processing dataset resource(s)...
WOULD CREATE 0 dataset resource(s).
WOULD UPDATE 3 dataset resource(s).

Example: Output changes between the server and any local resources

This example validates all systems and datasets in the .fides working directory, pushes those changes to the Fides Server and outputs the differences as part of the command output response.

$ fides push --diff
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Loading resource manifests from: .fides/
Taxonomy successfully created.
Processing dataset resource(s)...
Updated resource with fides_key: postgres
{'values_changed': {"root['collections'][0]['fields'][1]['data_categories'][0]": {'new_value': 'user',
                                                                                  'old_value': ''}}}
PUSHED 1 dataset resource(s).
Processing system resource(s)...
PUSHED 4 system resource(s).