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Proof of Concept Guides
Data Subject Requests

POC: Data Subject Requests within Fides

Our POC (Proof of Concept) guides are intended for enterprise organiations evaluating Fides deployed in their environment and are a helpful way to guide you through deploying and evaluating the world's leading privacy engineering platform.

Prerequisites Guide for Data Subject Requests (DSRs).

Please follow these guides, in order, for the appropriate environment to get started quickly with your Fides POC (Proof of Concept):

Fides Deployment

Deploy Fides ServerDeploy the Fides Core server for Data GovernanceDeploying and Configuring the Fides
Deploy Privacy CenterThis allows you to simulate end-user flows.Deploying and Configuring the Privacy Center
(Optional) S3 Bucket ConfigurationConfigure an S3 bucket as a destination for DSR packages. (requires AWS Access Key)Fides can use an S3 bucket to output the DSR package:

1. AWS Guide to provisioning Access Key (opens in a new tab)

2. Configuring Storage Destinations

SQL Database

SQL Database Credential ProvisioningProvision a service account for Database AccessFides requires read and write access to modify the database.
SQL Database Network ConnectivityFides will need to have network connectivity from the Admin Server, (Optioanl) Worker nodes, to the database.For a POC, we recommend basic connectivity, however for a production deployment please refer to our security best practices

Third Party SaaS

Credential ProvisioningProvision Access Keys for third party systemsRefer to vendor documentation for seeding third party system data
Seed Test DataEvaluator will provision sandbox data in a non-production environmentExample: Stripe - Generating test data (opens in a new tab)

POC Checklist for Data Subject Requests

SQL Database

Generate a DatasetCreate a Dataset for your SQL database for Fides to traverse and generate a DSR.Generate Dataset
Annotate DatasetDownload and annotate the dataset with data_categories and an identity key.

Note - if you use the Fides Enterprise Classifier, this is done for you automatically. Alternatively you can download thhe file and use the Fides CLI tooling or use the {{FIDES_SERVER_URL}}:8080/docs endpoint where you can view the Swagger docs and make a request via the API.
Annotating a Dataset

Adding Identity key
(Optional) Define Database RelationshipsDefine the entity relationships within your database with additional annotations. You can also use dbml-to-fides (opens in a new tab) to do this. These annotations ensure that Fides can correctly traverse all tables annd relationships during a privacy request.Annotate Relationships

dbml-to-fides (opens in a new tab)
Link the DatasetConnect the dataset to the System to enable privacy requests against your database.Link Datasets
Test your integrationTest your request via the Fides Privacy Center or DSR client, and approve it in the Fides administrative console.Submitting a Request

Approving a Request

Third Party SaaS

Integrate Third Party SystemFides comes pre-configured with SaaS connectors that integrate into third party systems.Example: Stripe - Configuring the integration
Test your integrationTest your request via the Fides Privacy Center or DSR client, and approve it in the Fides administrative console.Submitting a Request

Approving a Request