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Generating datasets via the UI

Generating a Dataset via the UI

In this guide you will learn how to generate a Fides dataset via the Fides Control admin UI. Read more about datasets here or read how to generate datasets via the Fides CLI here.

Generating a dataset from a database

You can generate a dataset by directly connecting Fides to a datastore. Fides will connect securely via a database connection string and parse the schema of the system to generate a Fides dataset automatically.

To generate a new dataset by connecting to a database:

  1. Navigate to Data mapManage datasets.
  2. Click Create new dataset.
  3. Click Connect to a database.
  4. Paste the database connection string into the Database URL field.
  5. Click Generate dataset

For helping building the database connection string, please see the SQLAlchemy documentation (opens in a new tab).

PostgreSQL example: postgresql://<user>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<database>

Generate a dataset

Creating a dataset

You can also manually create a dataset by copy and pasting existing Fides valid YAML to the dataset editor in the Fides admin UI.

To create a new dataset using the Dataset Editor:

  1. Navigate to Data mapManage datasets.
  2. Click Create new dataset.
  3. Enter the dataset configuration into the editor.
  4. Click Create dataset
Generate a dataset