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Fides Configuration

Command: view

The fides view command prints the current configuration of the Fides instance.


Usage: fides view [args]

This command prints the specified resource. Today this only supports the following options:

  • config - Print the current configuration of the Fides instance.

Running this command should result in output that resembles the following example. Note, depending on the configuration of your Fides instance this may contain a much longer list of configuration variables. To learn more about all Fides configuration variables read the Fides Configuration Variables guide.

$ fides view config
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
test_mode = false
is_test_mode = false
hot_reloading = false
dev_mode = false
enabled = true
local_mode = false
analytics_id = "e16fe2019386e3e35ecd13003db9737e"
server_protocol = "http"
server_host = "localhost"
server_port = "8080"
server_url = "http://localhost:8080"
user = "[DB-USERNAME]"
password = "[PASSWORD]"
server = ""
port = "5432"
db = "[DATABASE]"
privacy_request_delay_timeout = 3600
task_retry_count = 0
task_retry_delay = 1
task_retry_backoff = 1
subject_identity_verification_required = false
require_manual_request_approval = false
masking_strict = true
destination = ""
level = "CRITICAL"
serialization = ""
log_pii = false
host = ""
port = 6379
user = ""
password = "[PASSWORD]"