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Manual privacy requests

Manual Privacy Requests

Manual privacy requests are a simple way for data to be manually uploaded for an access request. Erasure requests are not supported at this time. They differ from the more complex manual connections that integrate directly with the graph. Manual privacy requests gather data outside of the graph as a first step, and are similar to privacy request webhooks.

If you have manual privacy requests defined, privacy request execution will exit early and remain in a state of requires_input. Once data has been manually uploaded for all the manual privacy requests, then the privacy request can be resumed. Data uploaded for manual privacy requests is passed on directly to the data subject alongside the data package. It is not filtered on data category. Any manual data uploaded is passed on as-is.


Create a connection config of type manual_request

POST /api/v1/connection
    {"name": "Manual privacy request ConnectionConfig",
    "key": "manual_request_key",
    "connection_type": "manual_request",
    "access": "read"
keyOptional. A unique key used to manage your connection config. This is auto-generated from name if left blank. Accepted values are alphanumeric, _, and ..
nameA unique user-friendly name for your connection config. This key will also be used to identity the manual request
connection_typeShould be manual_request for the resource described here.
accessOne of read or write

Define the fields expected for your manual_request

Submit a list of fields that will need to be manually uploaded.

PATCH /api/v1/connection/{{manual_request_key}}/access_manual_request
    "fields": [
        {"pii_field": "First Name", "dsr_package_label": "first_name"},
        {"pii_field": "Last Name", "dsr_package_label": "last_name"},
        {"pii_field": "Phone Number", "dsr_package_label": null},
        {"pii_field": "Height", "dsr_package_label": "height"}
fieldsRequired. A list of field mappings with pii_field and dsr_package_label keys. The pii_field is the label Fides will display when it solicits manual input, and the dsr_package_label is the identifier Fides will use when it uploads the data to the data subject. If no dsr_package_label is supplied, it will be created from the pii_field.

Upload manual request data for a given privacy request

Privacy request execution will exit early with a status of requires_input if we're missing data for manual_requests. A request will need to be made for each manual_request to upload the requested data before request execution can proceed.

Note that the fields here are dynamic and should match the fields specified on the manual request. All fields are optional. If no data exists, an empty dictionary should be uploaded. Fidesops treats this upload as confirmation that the system was searched for data related to the data subject.

PATCH /privacy-request/{{privacy_request_id}}/access_manual_request/{{manual_request_key}}
    "first_name": "Jane",
    "last_name": "Customer"

Resume Privacy Request Execution

Once a PrivacyRequest with requires_input has had all of its manual data uploaded, prompt the privacy request to resume.

POST /privacy-request/{{privacy_request_id}}/resume_from_requires_input

Example Upload

In this example, we visited one postgres collection automatically and retrieved Jane's name, email, and id. Her first_name and last_name were manually uploaded as part of the manual_request_key Manual privacy request and directly included here.

  "postgres_example:customer": [
      "name": "Jane Customer",
      "email": "",
      "id": 1
  "manual_request_key": [
      "first_name": "Jane",
      "last_name": "Customer"