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SDK Reference

Interface: FidesOptions

FidesJS supports a variety of custom options to modify it's behavior or enable more advanced usage. For example, the fides_locale option can be provided to override the browser locale. See the properties list below for the supported options and example usage for each.

Any of the FidesJS options can be provided in one of three ways:

  1. Query Params (e.g. typically used only for testing
  2. Window Object (e.g. window.fides_overrides = { fides_locale: "es" }): typically used to configure FidesJS via an inline <script> tag on the page for customization
  3. Cookie Values (e.g. document.cookie="fides_locale=fr-CA"): typically used to pass page-specific options from your server to the browser, or from a native app -> webview, etc.

If the same option is provided in multiple ways, they are evaluated in that order of precedence:

  1. Query Params (top priority)
  2. Window Object (second priority)
  3. Cookie Values (last priority)


    // Configure FidesJS options using the window.fides_overrides object
    window.fides_overrides = {
      fides_disable_banner: true,
      fides_embed: true,
      fides_locale: "es",
  <script src="path/to/fides.js"></script>



fides_clear_cookie: boolean

When true, deletes the fides_consent cookie when FidesJS is initialized, to clear any previously saved consent preferences from the user's device.

Defaults to false.


fides_disable_banner: boolean

When true, disable the FidesJS banner from being shown.

Defaults to false.


fides_disable_save_api: boolean

When true, disable FidesJS from saving user consent preferences to the Fides API.

Defaults to false.


fides_disable_notices_served_api: boolean

When true, only disable FidesJS from saving notices served to the Fides API.

Defaults to false.


fides_embed: boolean

When true, require FidesJS to "embed" it's UI into a specific <div> on the page, instead of as an overlay over the <body> itself. This is useful for creating a dedicated page to manage consent preferences on your site. Both the consent modal and the banner will be embedded into the container. To only embed the consent modal, set fides_disable_banner to true.

To use the fides_embed option, ensure that a DOM element with id="fides-embed-container" exists on the page, which FidesJS will then use as the parent element to render within.

NOTE: If you're using a JavaScript framework (e.g. React), ensure that you do not re-render the parent <div> element, as this could remove the FidesJS UI fully from the page!

Defaults to false.


    // Configure FidesJS to embed into the page
    window.fides_overrides = {
      fides_embed: true,
  <script src="path/to/fides.js"></script>
  <div id="fides-embed-container">
    <!-- FidesJS will render it's UI here! -->


fides_locale: string

Override the browser's preferred locale (navigator.language) when selecting the best translations for the FidesJS UI.

Must be set to a string that is a valid language code (e.g. "en-US", "fr", "zh-CN"). See (opens in a new tab)

Defaults to undefined.


fides_string: string

Override the current user's fides_string consent preferences (see Fides.fides_string). Can be used to synchronize consent preferences for a registered user from a custom backend, where the fides_string could be provided by the server across multiple devices, etc. selecting the best translations for the FidesJS UI.

Defaults to undefined.


fides_tcf_gdpr_applies: boolean

Override the value for gdprApplies set in the IAB TCF CMP API. FidesJS will always default this value to true (since the TCF experience will typically only be enabled in locations where GDPR applies), but this can be overriden at the page-level as needed. Only applicable to a TCF experience.

For more details, see the TCF CMP API technical specification (opens in a new tab) *

Defaults to true.


fides_consent_override: "accept" | "reject"

FidesJS will automatically opt in or out of all notices with this option and only show the consent modal upon user request. This is useful for any scenario where the user has previously provided consent in a different context (e.g. a native app, another website, etc.) and you want to ensure that those preferences are respected.

Defaults to undefined.