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Basic Installation

Installing Fides

Minimum requirements

See the the project requirements to get started.

If using Docker, run docker -v in a new shell to confirm that docker is ready to use:

Example output:
% docker -v
Docker version 20.10.11, build dea9396

If using Python, run python --version in a new shell to confirm that docker is ready to use:

Example output:
% python --version
Python 3.9.13

Once you are sure Docker or Python is running, you are ready to install Fides!

Using Docker

Run the following command to pull the latest image from Ethyca's DockerHub (opens in a new tab):

docker pull ethyca/fides

To pull the Fides Privacy Center, run the following:

docker pull ethyca/fides-privacy-center

Running the webserver

Once downloaded, you can start the Fides UI and database:

docker run ethyca/fides

With the Fides webserver running, the hosted UI is available at http://{server_url}/ (e.g. http://localhost:8080/).

Using Pip

The Fides Python package is published on PyPI (opens in a new tab) and maintained by the Fides team.


To install Fides, run:

pip install ethyca-fides

Initialize Fides

Initializing the project will create a configuration file with default values, and generate a directory to house your Fides resources.

Initialize Fides
fides init
Expected Output
Initializing Fides...
Created a './.fides' directory.
Created a fides config file: ./.fides/fides.toml
To learn more about configuring fides, see:
For example policies and help getting started, see:
Fides initialization complete.

Running the webserver

In a shell, run the following command:

fides webserver

With the Fides webserver running, the hosted UI is available at http://{server_url}/ (e.g. http://localhost:8080/).

Next steps

For more information on customizing your environment configuration, see the configuration reference guide.

Now that Fides is up and running, you're ready to get started with DSR automation and data mapping!