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Reporting for privacy requests

Report on Privacy Requests


The reporting feature allows you to fetch information about privacy requests. You can opt for high-level status information, or get more detailed information about the status of the requests on each of your collections.

View high-level statuses

This request displays concise, high-level information for all your privacy requests including their status and related timestamps.

    "items": [
            "id": "pri_5f4feff5-fb60-4286-82bd-7e0748ce90ac",
            "created_at": "2021-10-04T17:36:32.223287+00:00",
            "started_processing_at": "2021-10-04T17:36:37.248880+00:00",
            "finished_processing_at": "2021-10-04T17:36:37.263121+00:00",
            "status": "pending"
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50

View a single privacy request

Use the id query param to view the high level status of a single privacy request.

GET /api/v1/privacy-request?request_id=<privacy_request_id>

If an external_id was provided at request creation, we can also track the privacy request using:

GET /api/v1/privacy-request?external_id=<external_id>
These parameters will return matching privacy requests based on startswith matches.

Filtering options

Use the following query params to further filter your privacy requests. Filters can be chained, for example,

GET /api/v1/privacy-request?created_gt=2021-10-01&created_lt=2021-10-05&status=pending
  • id
  • status (one of in_processing, pending, paused, complete, or error)
  • created_lt
  • created_gt
  • started_lt
  • started_gt
  • completed_lt
  • completed_gt
  • errored_lt
  • errored_gt

You can filter for multiple statuses by repeating the status query param:

GET /api/v1/privacy-request?status=paused&status=complete

View privacy request logs

To view all the execution logs for a privacy request, visit /api/v1/privacy-request/{privacy_request_id}/logs. Embedded logs in the previous endpoints are truncated at 50 logs.

View a request's identity data

Use the optional include_identities query param to include all identity data that was submitted for the privacy request.

Due to the way Fides stores identity data, this data will expire automatically according to the FIDES__REDIS__DEFAULT_TTL_SECONDS variable in your Fides configuration. Read how to set Fides configuration variables here.

If the identity data fetched by include_identities has expired, an empty JSON dictionary will be returned.

View individual request log details

The verbose query parameter will display more details about individual collections visited as part of the privacy request, along with individual statuses. Individual collection statuses include in_processing, retrying, complete or error. You may see multiple logs for each collection as they reach different steps in the lifecycle.

The verbose parameter will embed a “results” key in the response, with both audit logs containing information about the overall request, as well as execution logs grouped by dataset name.

In the example below, there are two datasets: my-mongo-db and my-postgres-db. There are two execution logs for my-mongo-db (when the flights collection is starting execution, and when the flights collection has finished), and two execution logs for my-postgres-db (when the order collection is starting and finishing execution). The fields_affected are the fields that were potentially returned or masked based on the rules you've specified on the privacy request policy.

The embedded execution logs are automatically truncated at 50 logs. To view the entire list of logs, visit the execution logs endpoint separately. "Request approved" and "Request finished" audit logs are also included in the response.

GET /api/v1/privacy-request?request_id={privacy_request_id}&verbose=True
    "items": [
            "id": "pri_2e0655c3-7a76-425e-8c4c-52fee32ce14b",
            "created_at": "2022-02-28T16:38:03.878898+00:00",
            "started_processing_at": "2022-02-28T16:38:04.021763+00:00",
            "finished_processing_at": "2022-02-28T16:38:06.211547+00:00",
            "status": "complete",
            "external_id": null,
            "results": {
                 "Request approved": [
                        "collection_name": null,
                        "fields_affected": null,
                        "message": "",
                        "action_type": null,
                        "status": "approved",
                        "updated_at": "2022-08-11T14:03:37.679732+00:00",
                        "user_id": "system"
                "my-mongo-db": [
                        "collection_name": "flights",
                        "fields_affected": [],
                        "message": "starting",
                        "action_type": "access",
                        "status": "in_processing",
                        "updated_at": "2022-02-28T16:38:04.668513+00:00"
                        "collection_name": "flights",
                        "fields_affected": [
                                "path": "mongo_test:flights:passenger_information.full_name",
                                "field_name": "passenger_information.full_name",
                                "data_categories": [
                        "message": "success",
                        "action_type": "access",
                        "status": "complete",
                        "updated_at": "2022-02-28T16:38:04.727094+00:00",
                        "user_id": null
                "my-postgres-db": [
                        "collection_name": "order",
                        "fields_affected": [],
                        "message": "starting",
                        "action_type": "access",
                        "status": "in_processing",
                        "updated_at": "2022-02-28T16:38:04.668513+00:00"
                        "collection_name": "order",
                        "fields_affected": [
                                "path": "order.customer_name",
                                "field_name": "name",
                                "data_categories": [
                        "message": "success",
                        "action_type": "access",
                        "status": "complete",
                        "updated_at": "2022-02-28T16:39:04.668513+00:00",
                        "user_id": null
            "Request finished": [
                    "collection_name": null,
                    "fields_affected": null,
                    "message": "",
                    "action_type": null,
                    "status": "finished",
                    "updated_at": "2022-08-11T14:04:29.611878+00:00",
                    "user_id": "system"
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50

Download all privacy requests as a CSV

To get all privacy requests in CSV format, use the download_csv query param:

Time received,Subject identity,Policy key,Request status,Reviewer,Time approved/denied
2022-03-14 16:53:28.869258+00:00,{'email': ''},my_primary_policy,complete,fid_16ffde2f-613b-4f79-bbae-41420b0f836b,2022-03-14 16:54:08.804283+00:00

Paused or failed request details

A privacy request may pause when manual input is needed from the user, or it might fail for various reasons on a specific collection.

To retrieve information to resume or retry a privacy request, the following endpoint is available:

GET /api/v1/privacy-request?request_id=<privacy_request_id>

Paused access request example

The request below is in a paused state as it waits on manual input from the user to proceed. Looking at the stopped_collection_details key shows the request paused execution during the access step of the manual_key:filing_cabinet collection.

The action_needed.locators field shows the user they should fetch the record in the filing cabinet with a customer_id of 72909, and pull the authorized_user, customer_id, id, and payment_card_id fields from that record. These values should be manually uploaded to the resume_endpoint.

See the manual data guides for more information on resuming a paused access request.

    "items": [
            "id": "pri_ed4a6b7d-deab-489a-9a9f-9c2b19cd0713",
            "created_at": "2022-06-06T20:12:28.809815+00:00",
            "started_processing_at": "2022-06-06T20:12:28.986462+00:00",
            "stopped_collection_details": {
                "step": "access",
                "collection": "manual_key:filing_cabinet",
                "action_needed": [
                        "locators": {
                            "customer_id": [
                        "get": [
                        "update": null
            "resume_endpoint": "/privacy-request/pri_ed4a6b7d-deab-489a-9a9f-9c2b19cd0713/manual_input"
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50

Paused erasure request example

The request below is in a paused state for user to confirm they've masked the appropriate data before proceeding.

The stopped_collection_details shows that the request paused execution during the erasure step of the manual_key:filing_cabinet collection. Looking at action_needed.locators field shows that the user should find the record in the filing cabinet with an id of 2, and replace its authorized_user with None.

A confirmation of the masked records count should be uploaded to the resume_endpoint. See the manual data guides for more information on resuming a paused erasure request.

    "items": [
            "id": "pri_59ea0129-fc6d-4a12-a5bd-2ee647bf5cec",
            "created_at": "2022-06-06T20:22:05.436361+00:00",
            "started_processing_at": "2022-06-06T20:22:05.473280+00:00",
            "finished_processing_at": null,
            "status": "paused",
            "stopped_collection_details": {
                "step": "erasure",
                "collection": "manual_key:filing_cabinet",
                "action_needed": [
                        "locators": {
                            "id": 2
                        "get": null,
                        "update": {
                            "authorized_user": null
            "resume_endpoint": "/privacy-request/pri_59ea0129-fc6d-4a12-a5bd-2ee647bf5cec/erasure_confirm"
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50

Failed request example

The below request is an error state because something failed in the erasure step of the postgres_dataset:payment_card collection.

After troubleshooting the issues with your postgres connection, resume the request with a POST to the resume_endpoint.

    "items": [
            "id": "pri_59ea0129-fc6d-4a12-a5bd-2ee647bf5cec",
            "created_at": "2022-06-06T20:22:05.436361+00:00",
            "started_processing_at": "2022-06-06T20:22:05.473280+00:00",
            "finished_processing_at": null,
            "status": "error",
            "stopped_collection_details": {
              "step": "erasure",
              "collection": "postgres_dataset:payment_card",
              "action_needed": null
            "resume_endpoint": "/privacy-request/pri_59ea0129-fc6d-4a12-a5bd-2ee647bf5cec/retry"
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "size": 50