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Fides Configuration
Datasets & Databases

Datasets and databases

What is a dataset?

A Dataset is the configuration you provide for a database or other queryable datastore. Fides Datasets are applicable to a wide variety of datastores beyond traditional databases. Within Datasets, the term collection is used to describe an SQL table, mongo database collection, or any other single coherent set values.

Configure a Dataset

Fides uses a YAML manifest file to represent your datastores, and requires information beyond table names and fields to fully configure a Dataset. Datastores connected in this way will be automatically traversed when Fides executes a privacy request, and will either return or update the requested data according to the associated privacy request policy.

Ensure you have created a Connection for the datastore you would like to map. The Dataset defined by the following process should be associated to the Connection.

Describe a datastore

The following is a sample database of customers and addresses. It includes a customer table that has a foreign key of address_id to an address table:

  name VARCHAR,
  email VARCHAR,
  address_id int REFERENCES ADDRESS(id)
  street VARCHAR,
  city VARCHAR,
  state VARCHAR,

A Fides Dataset contains a map of the database's fields, and metadata describing how those fields are related. Fides uses this relationship information to navigate between different collections and fulfill privacy requests. The Dataset declaration for the above schema looks like:

  - fides_key: mydatabase
    name: internal database
    description: our internal database of customer data
      - name: address
          - name: id
            data_categories: [system.operations]
              primary_key: True
          - name: street
            data_categories: []
              data_type: string
          - name: city
            data_categories: []
              data_type: string
          - name: state
            data_categories: []
              data_type: string
          - name: zip
            data_categories: []
              data_type: string
      - name: customer
        after: mydatabase.address
          - name: address_id
            data_categories: [system.operations]
                - dataset: mydatabase
                  direction: to
          - name: created
            data_categories: [system.operations]
          - name: email
            data_categories: []
              identity: email
              data_type: string
          - name: id
            data_categories: [user.unique_id]
              primary_key: True
          - name: name
            data_categories: []
              data_type: string

Dataset members

fides_keyA unique identifier name for the Dataset.
collectionsA list of addressable collections.
afterAn optional list of Datasets that must be fully traversed before this Dataset is queried.

Collection members

nameThis collection name must correspond to the name used for it in your datastore. It will be used to dynamically generate query and update statements.
fieldsA list of addressable fields in the collection. Specifying the fields in the collection tells Fides what data to address in the collection.
afterOptional. A list of collections (in the form [dataset name].[collection name]) that must be fully traversed before this collection is queried.

Field members

nameThe name of the field will be used to generate query and update statements. Fides does not do automated schema discovery, and is only aware of the fields you declare.
data_categoriesAnnotating data_categories connects fields to privacy request policy rules, and determines which actions apply to each field. For more information see privacy request policies.
fidesops_metaThe fidesops_meta section specifies additional fields that control how Fides manages your data.
fidesops_meta.referencesA declaration of relationships between collections. Where the customer configuration declares a reference to mydatabase:address:id, Fides will use the values from to search for related values in customer. References require both the Dataset and collection name to allow for multiple Dataset-collection configurations.
fidesops_meta.references.datasetThe linked dataset.
fidesops_meta.references.fieldThe linked field, using the syntax [collection name ].[field name].
fidesops_meta.references.directionOptional. Accepted values are from or to. This determines how fidesops uses the relationships to discover data. If the direction is to, fidesops will only use data in the source collection to discover data in the referenced collection. If the direction is from, fidesops will only use data in the referenced collection to discover data in the source collection. If the direction is omitted, fidesops will traverse the relation in whatever direction works to discover all related data.
fidesops_meta.identitySignifies that this field is an identity value that can be used as the root for a traversal. For more information, see graph traversals.
fidesops_meta.primary_keyOptional. A boolean value. Fides will treat this field as a unique row identifier for generating update statements. If no primary key is specified for any field on a collection, no updates will be generated against that collection. If multiple fields are marked as primary keys, the combination of their values will be treated as a combined key.
fidesops_meta.data_typeOptional. An indication of the type of data held by this field. Data types are used to convert values to the appropriate type when those values are used in queries. This is especially necessary when using data of one type to help locate data of another type. Data types are also used to generate the appropriate masked value when running erasures, since fidesops needs to know the type of data expected by the field in order to generate an appropriate masked value. Available data types are string, integer, float, boolean, and object_id. object types are also supported for MongoDB.
fidesops_meta.lengthOptional. An indicator of field length.
fidesops_meta.return_all_elementsOptional. For array entrypoint fields, specify whether the query should return/mask all fields, or just matching fields. By default, we just return/mask matching fields. Setting return_all_elements=true will return/mask the entire array.

Generate a dataset

The Fides CLI allows you to both connect to and generate a blank Dataset for your datastores. This blank Dataset does not include any annotations (e.g., Fides data descriptions) or fidesops_meta information, but can be used to initially map your databases.

Configure a manual Dataset

Not all data can be automatically retrieved. When services have no external API, or when user data is held in a physical location, you can define a Dataset to describe the types of manual fields you plan to upload, as well as any dependencies between these manual collections and other collections.

When a manual Dataset is defined, an in-progress access request will pause until the data is added manually, and then resume execution. For more information, see resuming a paused request.

Describe a manual datastore

In the following example, the manual Dataset is a physical location, which contains one storage_unit collection. email is defined as the unit's identity, which will then be used to retrieve the box_id in the storage unit.

To add a Manual Dataset, first create a Manual Connection. The following Manual Dataset can then be added to the new ConnectionConfig:

PATCH {{host}}/connection/<manual_key>/dataset
  - fides_key: manual_input
    name: Manual Dataset
    description: Example of a Dataset whose data must be manually retrieved
      - name: storage_unit
          - name: box_id
            data_categories: [ user ]
              primary_key: true
          - name: email
            data_categories: [ ]
              identity: email
              data_type: string

Resume a paused access privacy request

A privacy request will pause execution when it reaches a manual collection in an access request. An administrator should manually retrieve the data and send it in a POST request. The fields should match the fields on the paused collection.

Erasure requests with manual collections will also need data manually added as well.

POST {{host}}/privacy-request/{{privacy_request_id}}/manual_input
    "box_id": 5,
    "email": ""

If no manual data can be found, pass in an empty list to resume the privacy request:


Resume a paused erasure privacy request

A privacy request will pause execution when it reaches a manual collection in an erasure request. An administrator should manually mask the records in question, and send confirmation of the rows affected in a POST request.

POST {{host}}/privacy-request/{{privacy_request_id}}/erasure_confirm
{"row_count": 2}

If no manual data was destroyed, pass in a count of 0 to resume the privacy request:

{"row_count": 0}