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Command: user create

The fides user create command can be used to create a new user on the Fides Server.

The create command requires a valid local credentials file with access token. To learn more about creating a credentials file see the Logging into Fides Server from the CLI guide.


Usage: fides user create [options]

The command will create a user on the Fides Server. If no options are given, you will be prompted to provide username, password, first name and last name.

Note: Passwords require 8 characters minimum, with at least one number, one capital letter and one symbol.

The command-line flags are all optional. The following flags are available:

  • -u - Provide username as an option.
  • -p - Provide password as an option.
  • -f - Provide first name as an option.
  • -l - Provide last name as an option.

Example: No options provided

This example prompts for the username and password.

$ fides user create
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Username: newuser
User: 'newuser' created and assigned permissions.

Example: Specifying username and password as options

This example specifies the -u (username) and -p (password) options:

$ fides user create -u newuser -p pAssw0rd!
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
User: 'newuser' created and assigned permissions.

Example: Specifying first name and last name as options

This example specifies the -f (first name) and -l (last name) options:

$ fides user create -f Jane -l Doe
Loaded config from: .fides/fides.toml
Username: newuser
User: 'newuser' created and assigned permissions.