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Fides Configuration
Configuration Variables


Setting Configuration Values

Fides can be configured in two different ways: either via a toml file or via environment variables. Both methods can be used simultaneously, with environment variables taking precedence over the toml file values.

Using a Configuration File

Fides will use the first config file it can read from the following locations. Listed in order of precedence they are:

  1. At the path specified using the config file argument passed through the CLI, i.e. fides -f <config_path>
  2. At the path specified by the FIDES__CONFIG_PATH environment variable
  3. In the current working directory it will check for a subdir .fides and a file within named fides.toml, i.e. ./.fides/fides.toml

Generating a Config File

If you'd like to generate a new config file automatically using default values, run fides init. This will create the file at the default location of ./.fides/fides.toml

Setting Values Via Environment Variables

Fides follows a set pattern for configuration via environment variables. It looks for environment variables that start with FIDES followed by the config subsection name, followed by the key name, all separated with double underscores. In practice this would look like FIDES__<SUBSECTION>__<KEY>

As a toml configuration value:

host = config_example

As an environment variable:


Viewing your configuration

You can view the current configuration of your application via either the CLI or API.


To view your application configuration via the CLI, run:

fides view config

This will show all configuration variables, including sensitive ones. It is printed to the console as valid toml, so this can be copy/pasted as needed.


To view your application configuration in the API, run:

GET /api/v1/config

For security reasons, sensitive configuration values will not be shown here.

Configuration File Example as of v2.6.6

enabled = true
local_mode = false
analytics_id = "internal"
server_protocol = "http"
server_host = "localhost"
server_port = "8080"
server_url = "http://localhost:8080"
event_queue_prefix = "fides_worker"
task_default_queue = "fides"
task_always_eager = true
app_postgres = {connection_string="postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:fides@fides-db:5432/fides"}
user = "defaultuser"
password = "defaultpassword"
server = "default-db"
port = "5432"
db = "default_db"
test_db = "default_test_db"
api_engine_pool_size = 50
api_engine_max_overflow = 50
task_engine_pool_size = 50
task_engine_max_overflow = 50
privacy_request_delay_timeout = 3600
task_retry_count = 0
task_retry_delay = 1
task_retry_backoff = 1
subject_identity_verification_required = false
require_manual_request_approval = false
masking_strict = true
use_dsr_3_0 = true
destination = ""
level = "INFO"
serialization = ""
log_pii = false
send_request_completion_notification = false
send_request_receipt_notification = false
send_request_review_notification = false
notification_service_type = "mailgun"
host = "redis"
port = 6379
password = "testpassword"
charset = "utf8"
decode_responses = true
default_ttl_seconds = 604800
identity_verification_code_ttl_seconds = 600
enabled = false
ssl = false
ssl_cert_reqs = "required"
connection_url = "redis://:testpassword@redis:6379/"
subject_request_download_link_ttl_seconds = 432000
request_rate_limit = "1000/minute"
rate_limit_prefix = "fides-"
aes_encryption_key_length = 16
aes_gcm_nonce_length = 12
identity_verification_attempt_limit = 3
encoding = "UTF-8"
env = "dev"
cors_origins = [ "http://localhost", "http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:3000", "http://localhost:3001",]
cors_origin_regex = "http://localhost:[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
oauth_access_token_expire_minutes = 11520
oauth_client_id_length_bytes = 16
oauth_client_secret_length_bytes = 16
analytics_opt_out = true
encryption_key = "test_encryption_key"

Configuration Variable Reference

Application Database

Environment variable prefix: FIDES__DATABASE__

userStringpostgresThe database user with which to login to the application database.
passwordStringfidesThe password with which to login to the application database.
serverStringfides-dbThe hostname of the Postgres database server.
portString5432The port at which the Postgres database will be accessible.
dbStringfidesThe name of the Postgres database.
test_dbString""Used instead of the db config when the FIDES_TEST_MODE environment variable is set to True, to avoid overwriting production data.
api_engine_pool_sizeint50The pool_size for the API database Engine
api_engine_max_overflowint50The max_overflow for the API database Engine
task_engine_pool_sizeint50The pool_size for the celery task database Engine
task_engine_max_overflowint50The max_overflow for the celery task database Engine

Redis cache

Environment variable prefix: FIDES__REDIS__

hoststringN/AThe network address for the application Redis cache.
portint6379The port at which the application cache will be accessible.
userstringN/AThe user with which to login to the Redis cache.
passwordstringN/AThe password with which to login to the Redis cache.
db_indexintN/AThe application will use this index in the Redis cache to cache data.
connection_urlstringN/AA full connection URL to the Redis cache. If not specified, this URL is automatically assembled from the host, port, password and db_index specified above.
default_ttl_secondsint604800The number of seconds for which data will live in Redis before automatically expiring.
enabledboolTrueWhether the application's Redis cache should be enabled. Only set to false for certain narrow uses of the application.
sslboolFalseWhether the application's connections to the cache should be encrypted using TLS.
ssl_certs_requiredstringrequiredIf using TLS encryption, set this to "required" if you wish to enforce the Redis cache to provide a certificate. Note that not all cache providers support this e.g. AWS Elasticache.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__LOGGING__

destinationString""The output location for log files. Accepts any valid file path. If left unset, log entries are printed to stdout and log files are not produced.
levelEnum (String)INFOThe minimum log entry level to produce. Also accepts TRACE, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL (case insensitive).
serializationEnum (String)""The format with which to produce log entries. If left unset, produces log entries formatted using the internal custom formatter. Also accepts "JSON" (case insensitive).
log_piiBooleanFalseIf True, PII values will display unmasked in log output. This variable should always be set to "False" in production systems.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__CLI__

local_modeBooleanFalseWhen set to True, forbids the Fides CLI from making calls to the Fides webserver.
server_hostStringlocalhostThe hostname of the Fides webserver.
server_protocolStringhttpThe protocol used by the Fides webserver.
server_portIntegerThe optional port of the Fides webserver.
analytics_idString""A fully anonymized unique identifier that is automatically generated by the application and stored in the toml file.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__SECURITY__

app_encryption_keystringN/AThe key used to sign Fides API access tokens.
cors_originsUnion[str, List[str]][]A list of origins that should be permitted to make cross-origin requests. eg. ['', '']. Adding a wildcard CORS origin i.e. * to this variable is not supported, but see cors_origin_regex variable below for allowing any origin.
cors_origin_regexOptional[Pattern]NoneA regex string to match against origins that should be permitted to make cross-origin requests. eg. 'https://.*\.example\.org'. To allow any origin, set this variable to '.*'
oauth_root_client_idstringN/AThe value used to identify the Fides application root API client.
oauth_root_client_secretstringN/AThe secret value used to authenticate the Fides application root API client.
oauth_access_token_expire_minutesint11520The time for which Fides API tokens will be valid.
root_usernamestringNoneIf set, this can be used in conjunction with root_password to log in without first creating a user in the database.
root_passwordstringNoneIf set, this can be used in conjunction with root_username to log in without first creating a user in the database.
root_user_scopeslist of stringsAll available scopesThe scopes granted to the root user when logging in with root_username and root_password.
subject_request_download_link_ttl_secondsint432000The number of seconds that a pre-signed download URL when using S3 storage will be valid.
request_rate_limitstr1000/minuteThe number of requests from a single IP address allowed to hit an endpoint within a rolling 60 second period.
rate_limit_prefixstrfides-The prefix given to keys in the Redis cache used by the rate limiter.
identity_verification_attempt_limitint3The number of identity verification attempts to allow.
envstr, dev or proddevThis determines which API endpoints require authentication. The default, dev, does not apply authentication to endpoints typically used by the CLI. The other option, prod, requires authentication for all endpoints that may contain sensitive information.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__EXECUTION__

privacy_request_delay_timeoutint3600The amount of time to wait for actions which delay privacy requests (e.g., pre- and post-processing webhooks).
task_retry_countint0The number of times a failed request will be retried.
task_retry_delayint1The delays between retries in seconds.
task_retry_backoffint1The backoff factor for retries, to space out repeated retries.
subject_identity_verification_requiredboolFalseWhether privacy requests require user identity verification.
require_manual_request_approvalboolFalseWhether privacy requests require explicit approval to execute.
masking_strictboolTrueIf set to True, only use UPDATE requests to mask data. If False, Fides will use any defined DELETE or GDPR DELETE endpoints to remove PII, which may extend beyond the specific data categories that configured in your execution policy.
use_dsr_3_0boolFalseIf set to True, privacy requests will be processed using DSR 3.0 which supports parallelization, asynchronous tasks, and task persistence. If False, DSR 2.0 execution will be applied which processes tasks sequentially and in-memory.
request_task_ttlint604800For DSR 3.0, the number of seconds a Request Task should live (Privacy Request subtasks). Older request tasks will be cleaned up from completed Privacy Requests periodically.
state_polling_intervalint30For DSR 3.0, the number of seconds between a scheduled process that checks to see if a Privacy Request's subtasks have "completed" and the overall Privacy Request needs to be placed in an errored state so it can be reprocessed.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__USER__

encryption_keyStringtest_encryption_keyAn arbitrary string used to encrypt the user data stored in the database. Encryption is implemented using PGP.
analytics_opt_outBoolean""When set to true, prevents sending anonymous analytics data to Ethyca.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__CREDENTIALS__

The credentials section uses custom keys which can be referenced in specific commands that take the --credentials-id option. For example, a command that uses a credential might look like fides scan dataset db --credentials-id app_postgres. The credential object itself will be validated at the time of use depending on what type of credential is required. For instance if fides scan system okta is used, it will expect the object to contain orgUrl and token key/value pairs. In the case of a typical database like postgres, it will only expect a connection_string. The following is an example of what a credentials section might look like in a given deployment with various applications:

my_postgres.connection_stringStringSets the connection_string for my_postgres database credentials.
my_aws.aws_access_key_idStringSets the aws_access_key_id for my_aws credentials.
my_aws.aws_secret_access_keyStringSets the aws_secret_access_key for my_aws credentials.
my_aws.aws_session_token StringSets the aws_session_token for my_aws credentials.
my_aws.region_nameStringSets the region_name for my_aws credentials.
my_okta.orgUrlStringSets the orgUrl for my_okta credentials.
my_okta.tokenStringSets the token for my_okta credentials.

Admin UI

Environment variable prefix: FIDES__ADMIN_UI__

enabledboolTrueToggle whether the Admin UI is served from /.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__NOTIFICATIONS__

send_request_completion_notificationboolFalseWhen set to True, enables subject notifications upon privacy request completion.
send_request_receipt_notificationboolFalseWhen set to True, enables subject notifications upon privacy request receipt.
send_request_review_notificationboolFalseWhen set to True, enables subject notifications upon privacy request review.
notification_service_typeStringN/ASets the notification service type used to send notifications. Accepts mailgun, twilio_text, twilio_email, or aws_ses.


Environment variable prefix: FIDES__CONSENT__

tcf_enabledboolFalseWhen set to True, enables the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework. This feature requires additional configuration in the privacy center as well as a Fides Enterprise license.
ac_enabledboolFalseWhen set to True, enables the Google Ads additional consent string. Requires TCF and a Fides Enterprise license.
override_vendor_purposesboolFalseWhen set to True, allows for overriding the flexible legal legal basis of some TCF purposes.

Additional environment variables

The following environment variables are not included in the default fides.toml configuration, but may be set in your environment:

ENV VariableDefaultDescription
FIDES__HOT_RELOADFalseIf True, the Fides server will reload code changes without needing to restart the server. This variable should always be set to False in production systems.
FIDES__DEV_MODEFalseIf True, the Fides server will log error tracebacks, and log details of third party requests. This variable should always be set to False in production systems.
FIDES__CONFIG_PATHNoneIf this is set to a path, that path will be used to load .toml files first. Any .toml files on this path will override any installed .toml files.

Celery Configuration

Fides uses Celery (opens in a new tab) for asynchronous task management.

To simplify deployments and remove the need for two different toml configuration files, it is possible to configure celery via the Fides configuration file. Any valid configuration key/value pair for celery can instead be added to the Fides toml configuration file and will automatically be passed through to the celery deployment. Note that Fides will not validate any of these key/value pairs. See the above configuration file reference for an example of using celery configuration pass-through.

For a full list of possible variable overrides, see the Celery configuration (opens in a new tab) documentation.